
Students must obtain 120 ECTS to qualify for a Master's Degree. The curriculum is structured in six categories. In each category a given number of credit points must be attained.

The program is scheduled in four semesters:

  • First semester (autumn): EPF Lausanne
  • Second semester (spring): ETH Zurich
  • Third semester is dedicated to the Internship, the Semester Project and four Core Courses organized as lecture blocks at PSI
  • Fourth semester: The Master's Thesis is carried out at a lab of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, at EPF Lausanne or at ETH Zurich
  • The program is compatible with the requirements of the external page European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN).
Nuclear Engineering Master Piechart ETH Zurich
Nuclear Engineering Master Courses
Nuclear Engineering Master Course table
Nuclear Engineering Master Course table        
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