Industrial Internship

The Industrial Internship is compulsory. Aim of the 12-week long Industrial Internship is to bring the student into contact with the professional work environment in the industry. During this period, the student will have the opportunity to be involved in ongoing projects at the host institute.

Ideally, students complete an Industrial Internship in one of the nuclear utilities in Switzerland, in ZWILAG or NAGRA. Alternatively, the Industrial Internship can be carried out in a foreign industrial company. Students may organize their internship independently, or they can ask their tutors for advice and support. The tutors will help the students establish contact with the industrial enterprise and discuss tasks, the work plan and results.

The approval of the tutor is needed for the recognition of the Industrial Internship.

The DownloadStudy Guide (PDF, 1.3 MB) contains a list of potential activities and more information about the internship

For the recognition of the completed Industrial Internship, following document must be uploaded to the internship application:

  • Confirmation from the company including the activities and tasks performed during the internship

Here you can find a list of options for internships.

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